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1 sagehen  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 4:09:11pm

Youtube Video

hard to tell if they’re quite as smart as us, disadvantaged as they are by inability to use fire and the lack of opposable thumbs…

2 EPR-radar  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 5:00:30pm

There is an unfathomable gulf between normal humans and wingnuts because wingnuts refuse to use their brains. No amount of time or theorizing by the normal people will ever bridge that gulf.

3 RealityBasedSteve  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 5:18:53pm

I have a secret hunch that some of the higher cetaceans (whales / dolphins, not crawfish) have an intellect absolutely as complex as complex as ours. Without any way to manipulate their environment like earth animals it has probably developed in ways that we might not be able to relate to. I suspect that they are capable of complex thought, would show true self awareness, and probably have a much more complex system of communications than we can imagine.

I’m no longer so sure that man is as special as we like to think we are.

Who spent an hour watching dolphins play in the bow wave of a ship he was on once, enthralled.

4 cinesimon  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 5:39:43pm

Note the childish dishonesty regarding what we who understand evolution see as “proof”.
This is the insecurity if the creationists. They’re unable to have an honest discussion about this, so they pretend that we do not have multitudes of other evidence providing that proof.
Nope: they only proof we have, in his bizarre understanding of what scientists have discovered over the past century, is sign language. No such thing as DNA. No such thing as fossil evidence. No such thing as the myriad dating technologies and methods(they still actually pretend that Carbon Dating is the only form of dating scientists use)
Basically, in the eyes of the christian supremacists, there is no such thing as science. It’s all religion to him. And all those ho think their gut knows the truth, and science is a conspiracy to imprison them all in FEMA camps.

5 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 7:45:44pm

Another idiot who doesn’t understand evolution. What a shocker.

6 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 10:26:24pm

When he bases his entire life on one book written ages ago, it’s no wonder Jackson cannot help but find “evidence” to support his worldview. God created humans as a special case, setting them above all other creatures. Therefore, we be special, and whatever we do, other animals cannot. All other evidence to the contrary must be peered at through a glass darkly.

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